Support for children and families and SEND
Here at Offenham we believe that working closely with all of our families brings about the best outcomes for the children in our care. Please take some time to look at our offer of support for children and families and see what there is on offer to you within school but also in our locality. You will find it as a downloadable PDF below. Copies of the document are also available free of charge from the school office should you wish to have a hard copy.
Here at Offenham all pupils are loved and nurtured to reach their full, God-given potential (please see our Equality Objectives below).
We support pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) by offering Quality First Teaching using adaptive teaching methods, 1:1 support for individuals, scaffolded learning, small group support and tailored intervention programmes.
Mrs Clare Stockford - our SENDCo, supported by Mrs Daniels, works with all of our staff to ensure all pupils are enabled to be the best that they can be.
If you need further advice or support about your child's learning or behavioural needs, then please speak to your child's class teacher in the first instance or book a meeting with our SENDco -Mrs Stockford who is available for appointments every other Thursday or Mrs Daniels who is available every Wednesday afternoon. You can contact them on the email addresses below or call the school office to make an appointment.
All of our pupils respond well to support and make good progress. Each term, meetings are held between the class teacher and parents to review the child's 'Individual Education Plan' (IEP). If extra support or advice is required, then the school may refer to external agencies.
If any parent has a complaint about their child's provision and support then they need to follow the complaints procedure, available on the 'policies' section under 'information for parents' or request a paper copy (free of charge) from the school office.
Worcestershire Local Offer
The Worcestershire Local Offer provides information about provision families can expect to be available across education, health and social care for children and young people who have a Special Educational Need and/or disability (SEND) or are disabled, including those who do not have Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans.
You can find out about resources, services, support, activities and events by visiting the website:
Here are some other links that you may find useful:
S.E.N.D.I.A.S.S. - SEND Information, Advice and Support service -
Speech and Language Resources -
SEND Parent Toolkit -
Hereford & Worcester Dyslexia Association -
The British Dyslexia Association -
National Autistic Society -
ADHD Foundation -
Family Lives - parenting and family support -